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Home Inspection Prices in Florida: Facts You Need to Know

Did you know the average home inspection costs in Florida range between $254 and $364? However, the price average is for average-sized homes. Larger properties can attract higher charges reaching over $1,000.

For a small house, expect to pay as little as $124 for home inspection cost Florida. Additionally, the average cost of home inspection differs depending on the service provider.

As a homeowner, you are more likely to benefit from home inspection services. The services often prevent seller concession requests if you are selling the house.

Other benefits include enhancing your home’s value, seeing the nature and extent of home defects, among others.

For first-time homebuyers, a home inspection is a crash course on home maintenance. It also provides you with a checklist of items that need attention.

This post discusses the facts you need to know on home inspection services and prices in Florida.

Home Inspection Services in Florida

Home inspection costs in Florida are tied to the size of your home and the type of service requested. There are many companies offering home inspection services in Florida.

Each offers different home inspection prices in Florida, but they deliver the same service.

Both home sellers and buyers need to understand the type of work that the home might need in the future. For home sellers, the anticipated costs can be used by potential buyers as leverage to negotiate a better deal.

Home inspection services for home buyers ensure they understand the investment they are about to buy. Here are some important questions you should ask your home inspection service provider.

What Kind of Inspection Do They Provide?

The average cost of home inspection in Florida usually includes a “Four Point Inspection.” The inspection involves a review of HVAC systems (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning).

It also checks the electrical panels and wiring for any defects. Finally, the inspection reviews the roof, plumbing fixtures, and plumbing connections.
Does Their Service Offer More Than A 4-Point Inspection?

The four-point inspection covers the basics of inspection and is mainly done for insurance purposes. If you need a thorough full home inspection, you could need more than that. Complete home inspections are recommended for individuals looking to make a large investment in a home.

Home inspection prices in Florida are high because most residents conduct full inspections. Here are some additional inspections that home inspection services in Florida cover.

  • Exterior/ grounds inspection
  • Fireplace and fuel-burning appliances inspection
  • Doors, windows, and an interior inspection
  • Basement, attic, and foundation inspection
  • Garage/ carport and floor conditions inspection

Other inspection services that could sometimes be charged more than normal include thermography, irrigation systems, boat lifts, etc.

How Long Will the Inspection Process Take?

A typical inspection takes about two to three hours. You are highly encouraged to be at the inspection to ask questions about home improvements.

But, remember to give the inspector the space they need to focus on the home and their findings. After one or two days, you can expect to receive a written report on the condition of the home’s systems and structures.

How Much Does a Home Inspection in Florida Cost?

The national average of a home inspection in the United States is around $358. However, the number is often valid because Florida’s actual home inspection prices are in the same range.

Regardless, home sellers/ buyers should know that the price could be higher depending on different factors.

In the industry, it is wise to add an extra $100 to any prices you receive because additional inspections may be needed.

It is especially true for residents of Florida since they require three different types of inspections (termite inspection, 4-point inspection, and wind mitigation inspection).

iBuyer home inspection and valuation saves the owner/ seller money on insurance. The four-point inspection is a requirement for obtaining insurance in Florida.

A termite inspection is recommended at least once a year, which means you have to do it before purchasing or selling a home. When calculating the total of all these inspections, they could easily pass the national average.

After asking how much a home inspection in Florida costs, follow it up with whether the company offers discounts for condominiums, townhomes, and mobile homes.

These homes often get discounts ranging from $25 to $100 depending on the type of house.

For example, you can get a $25 discount on a 2,500 square foot townhome. In contrast, a single-wide mobile home can get a discount of up to $75. If you are looking to save on home inspection cost Florida, you need to consider discounts.

Factors That Affect Cost of a Florida Home Inspection

Once you have an estimate of the average costs of a home inspection in Florida, use the following factors to compare to your home to see how the prices may differ.

• Square footage – It goes without saying, the larger the home, the higher the inspection charges rise.

• Location – Homebuyers/ sellers inexpensive real estate markets should expect to pay more.

• Age – Older homes require the services of a veteran inspector who often charges higher rates than their juniors.

• Number of local inspectors – The number of inspectors within your area and their availability also affects home inspection cost Florida,

• Additional home inspection services in Florida – Florida home inspection offers basic and exclusive services. If you have any other inspections, expect to pay more.

Before looking for answers to the common question of how much does a home inspection in Florida costs, consider going through the factors named above as a guideline for conducting your research.

Save On Home Inspection Cost Florida with iBuyer.

While home inspection cost Florida is almost the same as the national average, buyers and sellers alike are looking to reduce the costs.

Given the number of local providers, home inspection prices in Florida are highly competitive.

At iBuyer, our passion is to help you make the best options regarding the sale of your home. From home valuations to inspections, we empower you with all the information you need.

Our highly trained staff will guide you through the entire process. Submit your address for a no-obligation offer and get ready to sell your house without paying for an inspection.

The post Home Inspection Prices in Florida: Facts You Need to Know appeared first on iBuyer Blog.

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