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No Offers? How Many Showings You Will Have Before an Offer

The average sale price of a home in the US is $507,800.

Depending on your situation, selling your home could be ideal for you right now. It’s worth bearing in mind, however, that selling a home isn’t always easy. Several things will affect the value of your home, as well as how easy it is to sell.

Because of this, a lot of work may be involved. There’s a good chance it will take longer than you might expect to sell your home, and this will almost certainly include multiple showings.

For a rundown of how many showings before an offer, and how to increase the value of your home, keep reading.

How Many Showings Before an Offer?

How many showings to sell a house? It’s hard to say.

There’s a range of factors that will affect how interested people are in making an offer or buying your home. In most cases, however, it generally takes somewhere between 10 and 25 showings to sell a house.

With that in mind, it can sometimes take just a few showings, and others can take many more. This will go hand in hand with how long your home is on the market. Some get bought in less than a week, and others can take several months to sell.

Do You Have to Show Your House?

When you decide to sell your home, there’s a good chance you’ll still be living in it. This can make showings very inconvenient. You’ll need to keep the house in a good state at all times and be prepared to have potential buyers view the house at times that suit them.

Fortunately, more sight-unseen offers are happening these days due to advanced technology. People can use things like video listings, digital walkthroughs, and virtual tours to get a detailed look at a property from a remote location. This is beneficial for both the buyer and the seller.

It’s still the case, however, that people prefer to see properties in person before making an offer as they’ll get to see things in more detail and get a better feel for the property. It also makes it easier for them to notice any issues. As such, most property sales tend to rely on in-person viewings.

How to Avoid Showings

It may be the case that you want to avoid showings completely. Fortunately, there are solutions for this. Companies like iBuyer.com allow people to sell their homes online quickly and easily without the need for any viewings.

You can enter your address on our site, and using algorithms along with publicly available information, we’ll be able to provide you with a cash offer for your home. Selling your home “as is” means that, on top of showings, you can also avoid things like staging and repairs.

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When you request an estimate from us, it takes less than 48 hours for us to provide an offer. You’ll then be able to close (sometimes in just 10 days). After that, we can determine a move-out date that suits your needs.

Why Might a Home Get No Offers?

The more offers on your home, the easier it will be to sell. In some cases, however, you might struggle to get any offers. This can happen for a range of reasons.


One of the most common reasons a seller doesn’t get any offers on their home is that it’s priced too high. It can be difficult to settle on a price, and you want to get as much as you can for it. At the same time, you need to be realistic and don’t set your expectations too high.

You might also struggle to get viewings if the price is too low. This is because people see a low price as a red flag and might assume there are problems with the property. If someone looks at a listing and the deal seems too good to be true, they’ll quickly move on to other options.

Unusual Features

Making home improvements can increase the value of a property, but people often add unusual and unique features to their homes. If you do this, it’s important to remember that not everyone has the same tastes as you. Something like a large mural can add character to a home, but that sort of thing isn’t for everyone.

While it may seem boring, a more generic home is generally easier to sell. If any potential buyers want to add their own unique features they’re free to do so, but people are unlikely to want to buy a property if there is something significant that puts them off.

Factors Beyond Your Control

Unfortunately, there can be various factors beyond your control that can make it harder to sell your home. An example of this would be if the neighborhood (or even the city) has become less desirable since you purchased the property.

Other Factors That Can Influence Your Showings

There are many more factors that will affect how many offers you’re getting. With some of these, you can take action to make your home easier to sell. It can be a good idea to look into these before you put your house up for sale as you’ll be able to decide on a more suitable listing price.

Market Conditions

In a buyer’s market, there are more homes available than buyers. This means that people have plenty of choices, and as a seller, you’ll have competition. In these conditions, it will generally be harder to sell your home.

In a seller’s market, the opposite is true. There will be more buyers, and fewer homes, which will likely increase the number of viewings you’re getting. It also increases the chance of people making offers shortly after viewing your home – maybe even after the first viewing.

In the US, seller’s markets are generally more common than buyer’s markets. As a seller, this will make things easier for you.

Time of Year

The time of year can affect both how many viewing you get, as well as how many you’ll need before you get an offer.

In the warmer months of the year, people are happier to go around viewing different properties. As such, you’re likely to get more casual viewings. This means that more people will see your property, but they might not be as likely to make an offer.

Conversely, in the winter, people aren’t as likely to view a property unless they’re very interested. This means fewer viewings, but each viewing is more likely to be followed by an offer.

This will vary depending on your location. If the weather in your area doesn’t vary as much, there won’t be as much of a difference in terms of viewings and offers.

Home Condition

You want to make sure your home is in a good state so that potential buyers are impressed when looking around. Make sure you’ve done a deep clean and taken care of small repairs around the home before showing it to people.

If there’s mess, dirt, or damage, buyers will just see it as extra work they’ll need to do when they move in. An unclean home also indicates that it hasn’t been looked after properly. From this, people are likely to assume there are other issues that they’re not aware of, making them more reluctant to make an offer.

Curb Appeal

First impressions are crucial. You want people to like your property as soon as they see it, so it needs to look good from the outside. You’ll also need good pictures of the front of your home for any listings – this is what will generate viewings, so it’s crucial.


People can make changes to properties, but not the surrounding area. A dilapidated property in an ideal location will still sell (if it’s priced right).

People often prefer properties that have useful facilities close by such as schools, shops, parks, and public transport links. A great view can also make it easier to get offers.

People’s preferences vary, so there’s no single location that’s perfect. Think about the area your home is in, and be sure to highlight the best features of that location.

Marketing Strategy

In today’s world, the best place to market a home you’re selling is online. Ensure you have good photos and highlight all the best features of the property that people would be interested in. Make sure your description is accurate (even in terms of less desirable aspects) as you don’t want people to be surprised by any negative features when they come for a viewing.

Can You Avoid These Showings?

Selling your house can be hard work, and you may want to make things easier for yourself. Dealing with viewings is often time-consuming, and may be very inconvenient. As such, you might want to avoid them altogether.

Get an Offer From iBuyer.com

If you want to avoid wondering how many showings you will have before an offer, you can sell your home through a company like iBuyer.com. We’ll give you a quick cash offer, making the whole process streamlined and hassle-free.

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