• 787-459-8371

  • Christopher@arroyoLaRue

How Much Will An Investor Pay For My House?

Did you know that renters account for around 36% of all households in the United States? The rental market has been booming worldwide, highlighting the benefits of owning property as an investment. While owning a home has pros and cons, real estate investors are willing to pay above market value to increase their portfolios. This is why…

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9 Signs You’re Ready to Sell Your Home

Did you know there were 6.48 million existing home sales in the U.S. in 2020 compared to 5.34 million the year before? The percentage of people who stay in one home for their entire lives is relatively small since most people move a bunch of times. But how do you know when you’re ready to sell your…

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Appraisal Value vs Market Value: What’s the Difference?

Did you know that you’re required by law to have your home appraised if you want to accept an all-cash offer over $400,000? This is because an appraisal is a trustworthy, regulated process that helps you determine the fair value of your property. People often grow attached to their home and think it’s worth a lot more…

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Does it Make Sense to Remodel My House Before Selling?

Did you know that the average cost to renovate a home in the United States is $46,748? While the house-flipping industry can be incredibly profitable at times, making massive home improvements before selling your home is a massive undertaking. This does not just cost money but can also take up much of your time and add…

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What Happens to Your Mortgage When You Sell Your Home?

If you’re a homeowner, the idea of selling your home is both exciting and scary. You know how much time and energy went into buying your first home. You’ve likely lived in it for years and grown attached to it. But as you know a house is more than that. It’s a financial asset. So you…

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