• 787-459-8371

  • Christopher@arroyoLaRue

Cocaine found abandoned on eastern Puert

Cocaine found abandoned on eastern Puerto Rico coast – FAJARDO, Puerto Rico — US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Office of Air and Marine Agents on Friday night recovered 114 pounds (51.7 kilos) of cocaine inside four backpacks that were ditched by smugglers on the east coast of the island. The estimated value of the…

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#100X35 Hacienda orienta sobre el IVU de

#100X35 Hacienda orienta sobre el IVU del 4% – La agencia aclaró dudas sobre la aplicación del impuesto a los servicios que empezará a cobrarse a partir del 1ro. de octubre http://ow.ly/348O8M

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