• 787-459-8371

  • Christopher@arroyoLaRue

You Should Visit Antigua in May. Here’s How.

  Our new Destination of the Month feature offers a more in-depth exploration of the Caribbean’s top destinations, with a look at where to stay, play and eat — and how to get there. This month, our destination of the month is the beach-filled island of Antigua. Here’s a quick Antigua guide for what you should do…

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This Dominican Republic Destination Has Big Growth Plans

  By the Caribbean Journal staff One of the Dominican Republic’s less-heralded tourism destinations is primed for growth. A number of hotel companies and investors have expressed interest in the area of Juan Dolio, a one of the beachfront destinations on the country’s south coast, east of Santo Domingo. Hodelpa Hotel Group has announced plans…

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Puerto Rico defaults; New York sends condoms

WASHINGTON, USA — Puerto Rico is facing a major debt crisis, and the US territory announced on Sunday that it would be unable to make $422 million in debt repayments that were due by the close of business on Monday. Meanwhile, New York City… Powered by WPeMatico

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Here’s What the New Little Dix Bay Will Look Like

  By Alexander Britell It’s hard to find a more beautiful stretch of beach than Little Dix Bay in the British Virgin Islands. So it was hard for many travelers to hear that the landmark hotel on Virgin Gorda would be closed for almost two years as it embarked on a major renovation. Well, now…

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Rum Journal: Martnique’s Tres Vieux Rhum Dillon

  The beautiful thing about rhum agricole is that terroir matters. Martinique doesn’t use imported ingredients to make its rum, like far too many of its Caribbean neighbors. That means that every year the same label of rum can taste different, and that different parts of Martinique produce far-different-tasting kinds of rum simply because of…

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